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Upcoming Graphics 0.7.0 Update Demo


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Looking forward to it. You can look at whatever bug causes auto depth of field focus to break? Or maybe you already know solution? Thanks for your hard work.

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DoF auto focus only on the object that currently in the center of the screen. If you need to focus on specific object you need to create empty folder and name it DOF Target and attach to the object or character bone (and reset posotions to all 0), so it will be focused on it's coordinates.

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yeah, i mean whatever bug makes it break when changing scenes to where the auto focus just stops doing anything. i havent actually tried fixing it with the dof target folder when it breaks, but i'll test that. you really haven't had it break and just stop working? it happens to me all the time though i'm not really sure what causes it, it feels like changing presets or scenes usually does

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hm, not sure. Need to see. When I need it I'm usually using "DOF Target" and placing it on the character.

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Anything to address the massive increase of memory use and load time on launch? With the plugin enabled I get hit with 8+ GB of memory usage vs the 2-3 GB without and a significantly longer boot-up time; 0.5.2 didn't take nearly as long to load or keep hogging RAM for nearly as long. Also saving map lights to a preset in the maker now always breaks and leaves "New Game Object" lights that can't be removed outside of just deleting the light preset; this was not an issue with 0.5.2

Graphics Update 0.9.0

Graphics Update 0.9.0 Demo

Graphics Update 0.8.0

Next-Gen Eyes v2 - 50% OFF

Graphics Updates 0.7.0

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