Graphics Plugin Updates

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Introducing the development branch for the new Graphics Plugin for HS2 (AIGirl).

This product is subscription-based. You will receive monthly updates with new features. Any ideas or feature suggestions are highly appreciated.

Changes 0.9.0

  • SunShaftsHDR - now can automatically connect to Sun position on AIO Sky and Procedural Sky by enabling Use Global Sun checkbox. (Sun source should be selected)
  • Fixed the bug preventing correct save\load AIOSkyV2 function. You can now save all settings while using AIO Sky.
  • Dithered Shadows function. You can go to the Settings - SHADOWS and set Dithered Shadows checkbox and adjust the shadow smoothness.
  • 9 New Glitch screen effects
  • 3 New Pixelize screen effects.
  • CRT Screen effect.

Changes 0.8.0

  • Underwater Rendering - New post process effect simulates camera underwater. Requires LuxWater Water Volume props to work. (see Extra Mods included). Also, see demo scenes.
  • ShinySSRR - New screen-space raytraced reflections effect.
  • Only one AO effect can be applied at the time to maintain performance and correct looks.

Changes 0.7.0

  • Tilt Shift Bokeh Effect - New post process effect simulates camera tilt shift with nice bokeh effect.
  • Amplify Bloom HDR - Unfortunately, new bloom doesn't work properly in 0.6. There is a major issue with HDR-LDR conversion, so I made a hot-fix for this, but currently it have one downside - Not working for transparent objects. I already found a proper solution, but it may takes a a lot of work, so expect in future updates. So, in conclusion - 0.7.0 update it will support HDR but will not be working for alpha shaders. Currently you can set the render queue of the transparent object to 2000-2450 to make it work correctly with the Bloom effect.
  • Sun Shafts HDR - same for the Sun Shafts. Built-in version have problems with HDR, and I've fixed it. Now can be accessed from the Graphics menu. For the source, currently you can Use Position vector to set the ray source - just put some object where you need it, and then copy its X Y Z position. ( after that object can be deleted/toggled off).
  • Cubemaps Ground Projection - new function can project cubemap on the virtual ground. Helps to fight the "floating in nowhere" look. Ofc, this only works for the cubemaps with the strong horizon line, not quite suitable for indoor ones.
  • Ambient Occlusion now have a tab structure to save some UI space. Also I've introduced new AO - Amplify AO. This probably similar to GTAO but with more flexible controls and debug. Also output more smooth result. Don't use more than one AO at the same time.
  • Other small scale fixes and UI improvements.
  • I've made a pack of new demo scenes with adjusted lighting. You can use it in your renders.

Changes 0.6.0

  • New remastered UI and quality of life features. Now supports bigger font sizes for 4K screens, providing better clarity and composition.
  • New dynamic skybox support - AIOskybox/V2. You can control and adjust the settings in the main window. The cube files are separate and included inside the archive.
  • New post-process feature - Amplify Bloom. A powerful tool with various screen space effects, such as Lens Glare and Lens Starbursts. Textures for starbursts and lens dirts are included.
  • SEGI Remastered. This feature has been moved to a separate GI section. The performance and optimization of this effect have been greatly improved. Additionally, the state can now be correctly saved to the scene file. This allows you to easily share your awesome scene with others, ensuring they experience the same lighting setup as you.
  • Bug fix for CTAA. Previously, there was a bug with mismatching screen resolution. Note: CTAA may increase the screen size significantly, so it is not recommended. Use "STANDARD" instead.
  • Now correctly working with some maps that have a built-in Post-processing profile, such as Viking Village.
  • Now correctly finds the file path to the cubemap and other folders. Go to F1 Settings to reset the file paths.

How to use:

  • Unzip Graphics Plugin into root folder. (../BepInEx/Plugins/Graphics).
  • Unzip Textures & Skybox zip into root folder.
  • May need to reset folder paths in F1 Plugin Settings menu. It will auto set correct paths.


  • Hanaaa & 2B Enjoyer for help with testing and small fixes.
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Graphics Plugin Updates

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